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Silent message notification, displayed in the vertical center area of ​​the screen


Message types

Information confirmed

import { DialogAlert, DialogMessage, DialogMessageSuccess } from 'v-dialogs'

function deleteUser (userId) {
  const message = 'Deleted data cannot be recovered, are you sure?'
  const callback = () => {
    executeDeleteUser(userId).then(() => {
      DialogMessageSuccess('Delete complete.')
  const options = {
    messageType: 'confirm',
    cancelCallback: () => {
  DialogAlert(message, callback, options)

UI customization

DialogAlert('Hello', { icon: false })
DialogAlert('Hello', { header: false })
DialogAlert('Hello', { title: 'Custom title' })
DialogAlert('Hello', { shake: true })


type MessageContent = string | VNode

function DialogAlert(
  message?: MessageContent,
  callback?: Function,
  options?: AlertOptions
): Function

The setting options AlertOptions details

interface AlertOptions {
   * Plugin language
   * @default `en`
  language?: string
   * Custom class name
  customClass?: string
   * Display the header
   * @default true
  header?: boolean
   * The title text displayed in header
  title?: string
   * Message types
   * @default `info`
  messageType?: 'info' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'success' | 'confirm'
   * Message type icon
   * @default true
  icon?: boolean
   * Shake the dialog when operating outside the dialog
   * @default false
  shaking?: boolean
   * Use colorful shadow
   * @default false
  colorfulShadow?: boolean
   * Respond the cancel button click in `confirm` type alert
  cancelCallback?: Function
   * Click outside the dialog to close dialog
   * @default false
  backdropClose?: boolean

Released under the MIT License.