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SelectPage for Vue3, a select items components provides the list of items with pagination

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Detailed changes for each release are documented in Changelog

If you are using vue 2.x version, please use v-selectpage 2.x version instead


Install v-selectpage component in to your project

npm i v-selectpage
yarn add v-selectpage
pnpm add v-selectpage


Introduction to the working modes of v-selectpage components

Selector mode

Regular dropdown selection mode

import { SelectPageList, SelectPageTable } from 'v-selectpage'

Core module mode

The core module is a list and table module with search and paging functionality, which can be used directly, placed in other containers, or combined with other components to greatly expand the forms and scenarios in which the functionality can be used

import { SelectPageListCore, SelectPageTableCore } from 'v-selectpage'


List view

<SelectPageList @fetch-data="fetchData" />
import {
  type PageParameters,
  type FetchDataCallback,
} from 'v-selectpage'

// data list for example
const list = [
  { id: 1, name: 'Chicago Bulls', desc: '芝加哥公牛' },
  { id: 2, name: 'Cleveland Cavaliers', desc: '克里夫兰骑士' },
  { id: 3, name: 'Detroit Pistons', desc: '底特律活塞' },

function fetchData (data: PageParameters, callback: FetchDataCallback) {
  const { search, pageNumber, pageSize } = data

  const start = (pageNumber - 1) * pageSize
  const end = start + pageSize - 1
  // filter by search keyword
  const filtered = search
    ? list.filter(val =>
    : list
    // get current page items
    filtered.filter((val, index) => index >= start && index <= end),

In the above example, local static data is used as an example, but in more cases we need to apply remote data for loading and query

function fetchData (data, callback) {
  const params = { ... }
  // get current page items from remote api'some-api-address', params).then(resp => {
    callback(resp.list, resp.count)

Keyboard shortcuts

When the dropdown container is open and the input focus is in the search box, the following actions can be used for shortcut operations

  • up and down key to toggle the current highlighted item
  • left and right key to switch to the previous or next page
  • enter When a highlighted row exists, the data in that row will be selected
  • esc close dropdown container

Table view

import {
  type PageParameters,
  type FetchDataCallback,
  type SelectPageTableColumn,
} from 'v-selectpage'

// data list for example
const list = [
  { id: 1, name: 'Chicago Bulls', desc: '芝加哥公牛', abbr: 'CHI' },
  { id: 2, name: 'Cleveland Cavaliers', desc: '克里夫兰骑士', abbr: 'CLE' },
  { id: 3, name: 'Detroit Pistons', desc: '底特律活塞', abbr: 'DET' },
const teamColumns: SelectPageTableColumn[] = [
  { title: 'Id', data: 'id' },
  { title: 'Team name', data: row => `${row.abbr} - ${}`, width: 250 },
  { title: 'Description', data: 'desc' }

function fetchData (data: PageParameters, callback: FetchDataCallback) {

teamColumns defines the data columns in the table. The data attribute in the column model has the same function as labelProp, that is, you can specify a certain data column as the content field, or provide a function to render the content of the cell to make customizations

In the table view, labelProp is only used to specify the content of the selected item in the trigger object

Core module

List view core module

  <SelectPageListCore @fetch-data="fetchData" />
<script setup>
import { SelectPageListCore } from 'v-selectpage'
Data not found
Page 1 of 0 (0 records)

Table view core module

  <SelectPageTableCore @fetch-data="fetchData" />
<script setup>
import { SelectPageTableCore } from 'v-selectpage'
Data not found
Page 1 of 0 (0 records)

Multiple selection

Set the multiple prop to enabled multiple item selection

import { ref } from 'vue'
import {
  type SelectPageKey,
  type FetchSelectedDataCallback,
  type PageParameters,
  type FetchDataCallback,
} from 'v-selectpage'
// data list for example
const list = [
  { id: 1, name: 'Chicago Bulls', desc: '芝加哥公牛' },
  { id: 2, name: 'Cleveland Cavaliers', desc: '克里夫兰骑士' },
  { id: 3, name: 'Detroit Pistons', desc: '底特律活塞' },
const selected = ref<SelectPageKey[]>([1, 2, 4])

function fetchData (data: PageParameters, callback: FetchDataCallback) { ... }
function fetchSelectedData (
  keys: SelectPageKey[],
  callback: FetchSelectedDataCallback
) {
  // get items model by keys when v-model is set to a non-empty value
  callback(list.filter(val => keys.includes(

v-model and fetch-selected-data

The above is an example of setting a default selected item. v-model is used in conjunction with the fetch-selected-data event. When one or more keys are set using v-model (the content of the key values should correspond to the data columns specified by keyProp), the component responds to the fetch-selected-data event to fetch the data corresponding to the key, while the selection of the item(s) through the interaction of the component does not trigger this event.

Limit the maximum number of selection

Set the max value to limit the maximum number of selections that can be made


Other setting option

Other setting options for components


<SelectPageList disabled />
<SelectPageList :disabled="true" />

Close pagination bar

<SelectPageList :pagination="false" />


Some languages have a writing habit of writing from right to left, such as Hebrew he and Arabic ar

<SelectPageList :rtl="true" />

Content area width

<SelectPageList :width="500" />
<SelectPageList width="20rem" />

Practical cases

Some cases that may be used in actual business applications for reference

List of world countries

Data source: country-list

Countries of the world
Example code
    placeholder="Countries of the world"

<script setup>
import { SelectPageList } from 'v-selectpage'

function countryLabel (data) {
  return `(${data.key}) ${}`
function fetchCountries (data, callback) {

World time zone table

Data source: timezones

World time zone
Example code
    placeholder="World time zone"

<script setup>
import { SelectPageTable } from 'v-selectpage'
const timezonesColumn = [
  {title: 'area',data: 'key'},
  {title: 'time zone',data: 'name'}
function fetchTimezones (data, callback) {


type SelectPageKey = string | number

 * `zh-chs` Chinese Simplified
 * `en` English
 * `ja` Japanese
 * `ar` Arabic
 * `es` Spanish
 * `de` German
 * `ro` Romanian
 * `fr` French
 * `pt-br` Portuguese-Brazil
 * `pl` Polish
 * `nl` Dutch
 * `zh-cht` Chinese Traditional
 * `ru` Russian
 * `tr` Turkish
type LanguageKey =
  'zh-chs' | 'en' | 'ja' | 'ar' | 'es' | 'de' | 'ro' |
  'fr' | 'pt-br' | 'pl' | 'nl' | 'zh-cht' | 'ru' | 'tr'

interface TableColumn {
  /** Title text */
  title: string
  /** Data property or data processing function */
  data: string | function
  /** Column width */
  width?: number | string

interface PageParameters {
  /** Search keyword */
  search: string
  /** Current page number */
  pageNumber: number
  /** The number of records per page */
  pageSize: number

type FetchDataCallback = (
  /** Data list */
  dataList: Record<string, unknown>[],
  /** Total number of records */
  resultCount: number
) => void

type FetchSelectedDataCallback = (dataList: Record<string, unknown>[]) => void


interface SelectPageProps {
   * Binds the key value of the selected item to match the contents
   * of the field specified by `keyProp`
  modelValue?: SelectPageKey[]
   * The placeholder text content displayed when no item is selected.
   * If this parameter is not set, the component will use the placeholder
   * set in i18n by default
   * This prop only work on `Selector mode`
  placeholder?: string
   * Multiple selection mode
   * @default false
  multiple?: boolean
   * The language used by the component
   * @default `en`
  language?: string
   * Specify a property as a key value field that will be used as
   * the basis field for `v-model/modelValue` and data matching
   * @default `id`
  keyProp?: string
   * Specify a data property or a function to process the text content
   * displayed by the list item
   * @default `name`
  labelProp?: string | Function
   * The number of records per page is displayed, and when the paging
   * bar is turned off, a fixed `0` is applied
   * @default 10
  pageSize?: number
   * Maximum number of items that can be selected, set to `0` for no limit
   * This option relies on the `multiple` prop being set to `true`
   * @default 0
  max?: number
   * Data list using pagination bar
   * @default true
  pagination?: boolean
   * Text rendering direction from right to left
   * @default false
  rtl?: boolean
   * Specifies the width of the content container
   * specifying content in number format automatically uses pixels in px units
   * content in string format is applied directly
  width?: string | number
   * Debounce delay when typing, in milliseconds
   * @default 300
  debounce?: number

interface SelectPageTableProps extends SelectPageProps {
   * Tabular data column setting model
   * This prop only work on tabular form components
   * - `SelectPageTable`
   * - `SelectPageTableCore`
  columns?: SelectPageTableColumn[]

interface SelectorProps {
   * Component disabled states, only work on `Selector mode`
   * @default false
  disabled?: boolean
   * Add custom class to trigger container, work on `Selector mode`
  customTriggerClass?: string
   * Add custom class to dropdown container, work on `Selector mode`
  customContainerClass?: string

interface SelectPageSelectorProps extends
  SelectPageProps, SelectorProps {}

interface SelectPageTableSelectorProps extends
  SelectPageTableProps, SelectorProps {}


Response events for various operations of components


When an item's selection status changes, the item key collection is output in response to this event

`update:modelValue`: (keys: SelectPageKey[]) => void

Handling of v-model for manual binding

  @update:modelValue="keys => selected = keys"


Response data list fetching and content searching

`fetch-data`: (data: PageParameters, callback: FetchDataCallback) => void

The response function submits the results of the data query to the component via the callback function based on the paging and search information provided by data

function fetchData (data, callback) {
  const params = { ... }
  search(params).then(resp => callback(resp.list, resp.count))

Close pagination bar

When the pagination bar is turned off, the parameters output in the event response will become fixed, see pagination props setting for details


When the selected item is changed through v-model/modelValue, respond to this event to obtain the selected item data model

`fetch-selected-data`: (
  keys: SelectPageKey[],
  callback: FetchSelectedDataCallback
) => void

The event response function gets the corresponding data model based on the key collection and submits it to the component via the callback function

function fetchSelectedData (keys, callback) {
  search({ keys }).then(resp => callback(resp.list))


Events responded to when the status of an item selection changes

`selection-change`: (items: Record<string, unknown>[]) => void


In response to the selected items being removed

remove: (items: Record<string, unknown>[]) => void


Trigger event is used to close the dropdown container

`close-dropdown`: () => void

This event only work on Core module mode


Trigger events are used to automatically adjust the dropdown container position

`adjust-dropdown`: () => void

This event only work on Core module mode


Respond to dropdown container state changes

`visible-change`: (visible: boolean) => void

This event only work on Selector mode


Before using the component's API, you need to declare the ref attribute for the component, and use ref() to declare a reactive variable with the corresponding name to call the API method

  <SelectPageListCore ref="selectPage" />

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { SelectPageListCore } from 'v-selectpage'

const selectPage = ref()
// call api


Remove the selected state of the specified data

removeItem: (item: Record<string, unknown>) => void

This API only work on Core module mode


Remove all selected items

removeAll: () => void

This API only work on Core module mode

Released under the MIT License.